If the following requirements do not apply to your needs
then ...
You don’t need AS9120 quality certified suppliers:
Control of Documents & Records
A documented Purchasing Process
Systems to safeguard you against counterfeits
Verification of Purchased Product
Identification and Split Lot Traceability
Preservation of Product
Inspection of Documentation
Evidence of Conformance
Control of Non-Conforming Product
Mandating of Flow-Down Requirements
Annual Surveillance by independent third party quality auditors
Does your supplier have continual
improvement of processes based on objective measurement?
If they are only ISO 9001 -2000 certified -
probably not!
Why you should demand your suppliers become
AS9120 Certified?
The AS9120 Aerospace Standard applies to Suppliers &
The AS9120 Aerospace Standard has
been developed to meet the quality needs of suppliers and distributors in the
Aerospace Industry, who face the challenge of delivering product to multiple
customers having varying quality expectations and requirements.
By establishing common requirements for use at all
levels of the aerospace supply-chain, this standard can deliver improved product
quality and safety; process efficiencies; and decreased costs due to the
elimination or reduction of organization-unique requirements.
AS9120 utilizes the ISO Quality Foundation – Leveraging
the Process Approach
The AS9120 Standard is built
on the AS9100/ISO 9001:2000 Standard and leverages the advantage of applying a
Process Approach to Quality Management Systems. This Process Approach emphasizes
the importance of understanding and meeting requirements;
considering processes in terms of added value; obtaining results of process
performance and effectiveness; and most importantly, continual improvement of
processes based on objective measurement. The AS9120 standard also utilizes the
ISO proven methodology of Plan, Do, Check, Act (PDCA) to ensure quality
processes are well-planned and implemented effectively.
AS9120 Special Requirements For Aerospace
The AS9120 Standard comes with
Checklist AS9121 and is tailored to meet the specific needs of suppliers and
distributors in the aerospace industry: Only applies necessary AS9100
requirements for “pass through” stockist distributors who procure parts,
materials and assemblies and sell these products to customers in the aerospace
industry. This includes companies that procure products and split them into
smaller quantities.
